What People Say

Thanks so much for the incredible session you gave me. My head and body was buzzing/vibrating like a power pole when I came to see you and it had been like that for about a month and it was starting to wear me down. I could feel an immediate relief after your treatment and for days following the buzzing and vibrating continued to gradually resolve. Thanks so much for your warm, kind, gentle, approach and touch as well as the nurturing, safe environment you provide. I look forward to seeing you again.


I started seeing Fiona when I had lost my mental health; when I was mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically and socially broken. I felt that I was lost in a maze of disbelief and distrust in not only myself and others but also of the world itself. Seeing Fiona and receiving her unconditional love, care and attention, has enabled me to turn that maze into a journey of healing, understanding and compassion. Fiona has made the dark colours that were in my life break allowing the light to shine through. For me, meeting Fiona has been like meeting one of my guardian angels.

Jane, St Albans

Fiona is better than Calpol mum.

Charlie 8 yrs old

Fiona works with great integrity, gentleness, love and focus. she has great clarity and is highly intuitive and aware of her surroundings. This allows her to respond to changing energies and maintain balance and awareness. She has a wide range of experience in music and deep therapeutic work which brings a broad understanding of the human condition to draw on.

Hilary, Oxford

Fiona is one of the most supportive, nurturing therapists I have had the fortune to meet

Liz, Herts

I came to Fiona with back pain and 2 years later my pain had gone and I felt very different inside. I have an inner confidence that I have never had before. Craniosacral therapy helped me address many issues from an inner rather than an outer perspective.

D.F Edgware

I brought Fiona my son who had a very difficult birth and has suffered with emotional difficulties and anti-social behavior. Fiona seemed to take him back to his birth and let him do it his way. I felt very moved as I watched, it has helped our bonding deeply.

Olivia – London

Fiona has a good sense of ‘what is’ without the need for over verbalisation

Edward – Sussex

I came to Fiona having suffered from M.E. for 10 years and found deep insight and an ability to be. I felt much more in control of my life. Later on orthodox tests proved what Fiona found just with her hands… truly amazing, thanks Fiona

Lorna – London

Having suffered from deep depression all my life, finding Fiona has been like finding an angel. I feel wrapped in a bubble of love and acceptance for my whole self, yet I am very aware that it is me doing the work. True inner calm that not only arrives in my session but gets better as the week progresses.

Charlotte – Kent

Fiona has a very gentle manner and approach and I immediately felt safe with her which is something that I usually struggle with. We chatted about what was going on in my life and Fiona pulled out from all that I told her the theme of ‘boundaries’ which she felt I most needed help with. At that point, I agreed but was not at all sure what she could do to help! I had never had cranial sacral therapy before. I can totally confirm that it is not invasive or intrusive, and although part of the treatment was a little uncomfortable at the time, it’s benefits were incredible, so that doesn’t matter anymore. Since the treatment, I have dealt with what previously felt like a HUGE problem at work; i’ve told my boss that I am not willing to continue to work with a person who has been treating me badly! I’m not sure of the outcome yet but I trust it will all be good for me. I have also expressed to a family member that I am not willing to collude with, be around or support in any way the abusive relationship he has been complaining about but staying in for years…that feels much more supportive to me than playing happy families…my parents are very uncomfortable with my decision but, hey, they can choose to get over it or to carry on having a problem with me. I’m happy with the boundaries I have set now. They express who I am more than how I was behaving before. I’m also in the process of setting clearer boundaries with my friendships The difference for me is that I feel in control of my own life choices and actions and I feel like I can finally ‘hear’ that voice within that other people tell me guides them. I am grateful to Fiona for her insight into my deepest need and for the healing she provided.


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